Monday, January 24, 2011

more than one truth prevails

Despite how much I love Milky Holmes, I never did a fan art of it. So I'm drawing them playing on a playground for some reason. Check out the sketches!

 still needs a lot of work. i can't choose a favorite in this show!!!!!!


  1. oh! i forgot to tell you the other day, i'm happy cuz now for some reason your feed SHOWS THE PICS before it just was your text and a link to the entry! so hooray for it somehow being fixed!


  2. This is pure awesomeness!!!! so cute!!! I agree.. it works well!
    I still can't believe they have combined my two favorite things into one. Moe Detectives!
    Milky Holmes = cuteness (●´∀`●)ノ

    p.s. woodle doodle is back???!!! :D

  3. thank you!!!

    woodle doodle never left, it was only hibernating
